EmPress Soft

Empress Soft is an absorbent, non-woven, sub-bandage wadding comprising a blend of viscose and polyester.

Empress Soft is extremely soft against the skin and so helps to provide patient comfort and cushioning during treatment. It can be used in compression therapy, as undercast padding or to protect bony prominences.

Why Choose Empress Soft?

  • Soft, conformable and comfortable
  • Can be torn
  • Absorbent
  • Breathable to help prevent maceration

Indications For Use

1st layer of 4 layer compression
1st layer of 4 layer compression
Undercast padding
Undercast padding
Under bandage padding
Under bandage padding
Protection of boney prominences
Protection of boney prominences


  • Begin with a wrap at the base of the toe, if needed apply a second wrap to fully cover the foot

  • Apply a wrap around the lower heel then, one further wrap to cover all skin below the malleolus

  • Continue to wrap up the leg in a circular motion with 50% overlap each turn

  • Secure using tape just below the knee, trim any excess bandage

Empress Soft Product Family

Now Available via NHS Supply Chain and MidMeds Primary Care Supplies

ProductCodeNHSSC CodeSizeQty per Pack
ProductEmpress SoftSKU523983ZDNHSSC CodeECA85042Size10cm x 3.5mPack Qty10
ProductEmpress SoftSKU523985ZDNHSSC CodeECA85036Size10cm x 4.5mPack Qty12

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